THE DISCOMFORT ZONE: How to Get What You Want by Living Fearlessly

The Discomfort Zone: How to Get What You Want by Living Fearlessly
By Farrah Storr

This is a fantastically well-written book, packed full of entertaining and relatable anecdotes from the editor of Cosmopolitan. Someone who admits to being in the “dis-comfort zone” many times in her professional life, it’s refreshing to hear a successful editor talk about the difficult times and admit to all the vulnerabilities that arose.

The book centres around the notion that getting comfortable with being uncomfortable helps you unleash your true potential, and it introduces the BMD method, a three-point plan to use any time you feel out of your comfort zone. “Without exception, discomfort is never as bad as we think it will be. It also never lasts as long as we think it will….Neither is discomfort debilitating.; on the contrary, it is empowering,” she says.

My only gripe is that this book would have benefited from a more broken up structure so the excellent career advice buried within it could be accessed more easily. But it’s an entertaining read packed with fascinating examples of and interviews with people and companies that have succeeded – or failed – because of how they’ve handled challenges. A good book for ambitious people who find themselves struggling to progress in their career, or anxious and paralysed by fear.

Marina Gask